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Saturday 12 March 2011

Is it Aurora or Twilight again for Bengal?

 Will the People of Bengal win over radicalism and autocracy?

Not many options are left with the multitude of Bengal in the upcoming assembly election. With TMC and Congress alliance going strong and the belligerent Mamata Banerjee, our railway Minister as the leader. Bengal is poised for a change.Often seen as a short tempered politician who takes impulsive decisions, she is perhaps the person we need at this moment to break away from the communist mould that has ruled us for over three decades. An honest person with no political back up, Banerjee has climbed up the political after a lot of struggle. A mass leader in her own rights, what she would do would be for the betterment of the state and not to fill her own kitty. She shows a ray of hope to Bengal in the last Lok sabha and By-elections after 35 years of communist barbarism.

However, it’s not about supporting a political party. It is all about the JUNTA’s verdict-Do the people of Bengal have the courage to stand up against this autocratic regime and throw them out of power? Whatever CPI(M) may say, it’s a well known fact that they are leaving no stones unturned to manipulate the ballot boxes to be in power. Be it looting, extortion, rape, murder or burning villages, the communists do not shrink from any kind of human rights violation as long as they manage to stay in power.

 In due course of time, masses in there, mostly villagers came out from their cocoon state, got literate got to know their rights and power of democracy, which they have been deprived by communist violence. And after seeing and understanding such decisive issues. People finally need a change and last year’s elections were its implications. In Bengal there is no alternative option other than TMC alliance. So, for a change, people want any Non Communist Govt. so be it Mamata Banerjee or someone else, But NOT rotten communist any more.

It is not surprising at all that more people from the grassroots to the boardroom are getting attracted to Mamata’s vision of ‘Ma-Mati-Manush’.

For communism in Bengal, aam-admi has nothing to show courtesy for. They are not Indians, as they don't believe in any country, they don't hoist national flag and they don't celebrate any national fetes like 15th August or 26th January, as it is against their Party Propaganda. They think they are the only omnipotent power, their place of worship is Party office, and they don't care about their family as party's high command is secondary to every thing else. They show no mercy in human killing for the party's order to get their vote bank kitty FULL at any cost. And once if anybody enlisted in as a party cadre it’s hard to bequeath. And if he/she does so. Then they are destroyed or molested by the state police, which is a puppet organization of a Red Brigade, and if they are senior member then they been linked with some scandals, and couch State CID after them. The recent example is our former speaker Mr. Somnath Chatterjee, Politburo expelled him citing a reason for violating party discipline.

IF you want job in any state run institutions which is under state jurisdiction like Police, Hospitals, Transportation, Schools & colleges etc.You have to be a party cadre else no matter how much you are eligible for the same, they won't entertain you in any form. That’s how they had been spreading communism from kitchen to home to professional jobs to party office to politburo. Where is the Democracy my Friend?  It’s an incomplete hegemony.

Like any other communist state, be it in India or USSR, Cuba, China, Vietnam, Laos, North Korea. Communist party in West Bengal too has their own secret fighter unit which are commonly known as HARMAD Bahini.They work for their party head of a BLOCK in a District, They have all the modern state of art weapons. They get monthly wages, shelter and protection from Law by their respective Block presidents. Take for instance, the famous factionist, Tapan Ghosh,CPI (M) committee member of Midnapur, , recently went through trial under CBI Court for mass killing and extortion. Due to lack of evidence he is a free man now. The obvious reason for the so called lack of evidence is the terror of Harmad Bahini amid the local people. In fact Ghosh, sitting on piles of properties and a teacher by profession, keeps Harmad bahini as his personal body guard. Mass killing and the recent Angaria(small village in Midnapur district) holocaust can be compared to Nazi’s Concentration camps for Jews,is said to be his handiwork. Harmad bahini works on the same strategy of KGB of former USSR's CPSU and NAZI's SS.

In a democratic country like India which hold the title for second largest populace country and largest democratic country in the world by far. 4th largest GDP in terms of PPP and whose development quotes are around 9% there is no place for communism. Now you can give the example of China, but I doubt that they follow Real Marxist communism. Theirs is the Mao brand of communism. But in India they are basically Bolsheviks follower which is a radicalization of a Marx communism and so the terror is. I agree, that was needed in Tsarism but not anymore, Naxalites are the main reason and source of these hypocrites. They need development not radicalization.

Hoping for a True Election in West Bengal after 35 years of savagery.


  1. want to spread this ...

  2. very nice and an interesting blog...... i ejoyed and loved it.... it helps to really think about the youth of the present day.... all thanks to u joy for this wonderful blog.... and one more thing i forgot to write how come u have such intelligent brains to write such an awesome blog...... but at the last hat off to u man....

  3. Good initiative!A great article!Today's youth have to wake up to these issues if they want any change in the symtem. The change would mean better oppurtunities for them. I only hope more younsters come forward and contribute to the cause of Bengal!

  4. nonsense and inexperienced ..see Mamta's performance as the Railway Minister..She is a Jatra queen with a bunch of jokers and some flop film actors

  5. ...yeah, may be it is one side of a story...
    ....But at the end of the day its a politics after all, these things happens in every political party. Name few which are there is always a boundary to it , and CPI(M) in bengal is way ahead of this limit...i have experienced it,i have been thru it ,i have facts...

    Any way i am not supporting any political party here,
    She may be a jatra queen with a bunch of yelling activists...But do u have any alternate strong opposition against CPI(M).NO.
    We have seen single party rule for over a 3.5 decade now,lets take a theory of rotation and welcome a change.It may be any of them INC,BJP,TMC or Neutral party gaining overall majority(if they contest) but not Communist.

  6. yes Bengal needs an urgent n dynamic change...Its d right time for d People of Bengal to bring a change n break d jinx of cancerous rule of decades n decades...A sustained power for an extended period of time brings political autocracy n this is what exactly the State of west Bengal is heading towards a state of dilemma where people have been witnessing d long ruled Left's tyranny pushed d whole State on d verge of devastation...A State who was d ambessador of d glorious era of Industrial Development is currently on a wheel chair with hanging Oxygen cylender...The time has come n d People of d State of Bengal should learn a lesson from her neighbouring State Bihar how a formidable Government can bring a dynamic transition in a Governance...So let us come to see a better prospect of Bengal in Education, Health,Industry,Infrastructure Development, Employment....Bring a change n Create a New Bengal of nascent opportunity.....

  7. yes Bengal needs an urgent n dynamic change...Its d right time for d People of Bengal to bring a change n break d jinx of cancerous rule of decades n decades...A sustained power for an extended period of time brings political autocracy n this is what exactly the State of west Bengal is heading towards a state of dilemma where people have been witnessing d long ruled Left's tyranny pushed d whole State on d verge of devastation...A State who was d ambessador of d glorious era of Industrial Development is currently on a wheel chair with hanging Oxygen cylender...The time has come n d People of d State of Bengal should learn a lesson from her neighbouring State Bihar how a formidable Government can bring a dynamic transition in a Governance...So let us come to see a better prospect of Bengal in Education, Health,Industry,Infrastructure Development, Employment....Bring a change n Create a New Bengal of nascent opportunity.....

  8. @Deepak u rock man!I mean being an environmentalist you have such a sound knowledge of politics.We are lucky to have you talking amid us.

  9. @Sumi Ma'am with all respect I would like to say that there can't be anything more worse that can happen to Bengal after three decades of pathetic left rule!!! Now, it's time for a change and even if that means going with the Jatra Queen, we won't mind.

  10. @joy ur blog is bringing journalists, environmentalists and activists under the same roof, good going! And the same comment by two different people is actually by the same person!

  11. Thank you joy to have such commendable silent inspiration to bring a change of long ruled Left Government...Let see how people come to join to make a prosperous Bengal....Vote against d chronic tumor rule of d State of Bengal.....

  12. Change we Need: communism has not worked and I have a feeling that it will be extinct by the end of this century.As for bengal,it desperately needs a change.The real question is can Mamata di come out of her populist colors and be a Nitish Kumar..

  13. ritesh we need political mobalisation in west bengal..... well there is no doubt dat Mamata is a populist leader. And unfortunaltely she hasn't been able to unveil her vision for Bengal! But the fact of d matter is we don't have any other choice! It's one of d folies of democracy but true nevertheles-lack of leadership!! so hail mamata as of now!!!

  14. Well viewers its been a successfull motive to route out communist elected body from the state.And kerela was its boon.

    Thank to the page viewers,voters and the critics.
    Thank you all....
